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Why are the Five Elements Important To Our Life?

      The universe, the world, and all living things comprise five elements. The five elements are the building blocks of everything in the universe, from people to plants to our environment. 
      Those five principles make up everything that we perceive through our senses. Learning to understand the energetic qualities of energy that can help you better understand the best of yourself and manifest your life with your full potential.

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Why are 5 Elements essential to our Life?

The universe, the world, and all living things comprise five elements. The five elements are the building blocks of everything in the universe, from people to plants to our environment.
Those five principles make up everything we perceive through our senses—learning to understand the energetic qualities of energy that can help you better understand the best of yourself and manifest your Life with your full potential.

By learning how to implement those five elements into your daily life, you receive five keys to your abundance of Life.

✔ Emotional freedom - Perform your action without any guilt or emotional weight. Manifesting things you do, whether in your career or personal life, and the outcomes will improve. (Air)

✔ Break the barrier - unluck the things holding you back. Break down your walls. Transform and clear out the old and create something new. (Fire)

✔ Grow by giving - Knowledge, Love, Smiles, Support, Compassion, and Understanding are all things you may provide.  Each baby step from 'I' to 'You,' Give yourself complete trust. (Water)

✔ Finding your purpose - What are you want in your life. Whether long or short term, set goals for yourself and stick to them. Continue to work slowly and steadily toward your objectives. These objectives will keep you happy and occupied as you progress through Life. (Earth)

✔ Connection - Learn to connect with your higher self. Connect with the divine and tap into the universe's energy reserve. Make an effort to connect with that force. Let the divine help you with your actions. (Space)


The Five Elements and The Mind

Have you ever looked at the workings of your mind the way you would observe the world of nature around you?

If we want to understand how our minds work, the best way is to look at how nature operates.

We must see how wind, fire, and rain function in the psyche.

We must learn to observe the storms of emotion in the light of reason.

All the rhythms through which not only our bodies but also our minds and senses move.

The five elements are one of the main themes of Ayurvedic thought and of related spiritual and healing systems.

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Join me in understanding our minds


*Inner Self, Soul

Space is light, cold, clear, and vast. Imagine looking up toward the sky on a clear night. Space is expensive

Perform your action without any guilt or emotional weight. 
You are manifesting things you do 
in your career or personal life.


*Intermediate mind or intelligence

Fire is hot, light, powerful like the sun. It’s the transformative power that converts one thing to another. Fire is transformation.

Think of water as a means of cohesion and connection. It's protective and nourishing.


*Out Self, Ego

Earth is heavy, cold, solid, stable, and dense. It represents all the material objects and the physical world around us including rocks, hills and buildings as well as bones, muscles, and organs.

Connect with the divine and 
tap into the universe's energy reserve. Open infinity possibility. 


*Inner mind or deeper consciousness

Air is cold, light, drying, and full of motion - like a rush of wind. Air is movement

Fire fuels transformation.
This intense heat facilitates clearing out the old and creating something new.


*Outer mind, Sensation, Emotions

Think of Water as a means of cohesion and connection, it’s protective and nourishing. Water is moist, flowing holds our cells together. Water is cohesion.

Finding your purpose - What are you want in your life. Whether long or short term, set goals for yourself and stick to them

 You are learning how to use those five elements to manifest your life to achieve your dream life. 


Understanding the energetic qualities of the Five Elements
is how you understand yourself.

The elements give rise to the three doshas, which combine in an infinite number of ways and determine each person's unique dosha type.
The elements are the foundation of your unique dosha type.
Each dosha reflects the qualities of the elements that make it up.

Find out which dosha you are:

Course Curriculum

6 Weeks of Coaching

7 Lessons


Week 1: Earth Element in life

Week 2: Water Element in life

Week 3: Fire Element in life

Week 4: Air Element in life

Week 5: Space Element in life

Week 6: The Five Elements in life

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