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Your Help Makes A Huge Difference.

Zenquency Temple is a non-profit organization, helping people to have a beautiful, peaceful, and happy life through holistic healing. Doing good deeds with other people will help them to achieve a better life and will also help you to become a better person.

Why We Need Your Help?

Let’s Spread Love And Support To The World

Many of us grow up struggling with a feeling of never being good enough, which leads to self-criticism, fear, stress, and even panic attacks.


Over 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) alone have an anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, approximately 7% of children aged 3-17 experience issues with anxiety each year. Most people develop symptoms before age 21.


For the past 3 decades, I have been studying how to overcome my self-love challenge. Deeper self-love is not treating yourself nicely with something or going to take a vacation.


Self-love is layers of healing, healing from trauma, recovering from layers of emotions, and making the connection with our own body.


I have been doing lifelong learning by going to Tibet and different parts of the world to improve my teaching and help more people.


These activites require costs, that’s why we need your help to support not only our teachings in Zenquency Temple but we also help local Tibetan communities or organizations in Tibet that support preserving their culture and spiritual practices.

Meet Riya

Your Spiritual Teacher


It is my soul mission to help you tap into your birthright of a fulfilled and joyful life.


I am well-traveled and bring diverse, life-changing healing techniques directly from my masters from around the world.


My methods include self-reflection, self-awareness, transcendence, body, mind, and soul alignment.

I also use additional techniques for transformative healing, and a deepening of the practice of inner knowing.


I also conduct and lead numerous meditation classes, sound healing workshops, transformational courses, and individual healing sessions.


I am passionate about helping others infuse a spiritual mindset into their daily lives, personal or professional for an elevated life experience.


If you've heard yourself say, "I am trapped in the circle of anxiety, stress, fear, depression, and insecurity. I need change," but you don't know " How "yet.

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